Telangana允许海得拉巴酒吧、餐厅在除夕夜营业, Telangana allows Hyderabad bars, restaurants to stay open late on New Year's Eve to boost revenue.
泰兰加纳政府允许海得拉巴的酒吧、餐馆和葡萄酒店在除夕夜继续营业, The Telangana government has allowed bars, restaurants, and wine shops in Hyderabad to stay open later on New Year's Eve to boost the state's revenue. 当局正在访问各种场所,以确保公共安全,指示他们不要为明显中毒的顾客服务,并防止吸毒。 Authorities are visiting venues to ensure public safety, instructing them not to serve visibly intoxicated patrons and to prevent drug use. 目标是促进安全而愉快的庆祝活动。 The goal is to promote safe and enjoyable celebrations.