Nashville警官开枪打伤在公寓外向他开枪的逃犯。 Nashville police officer shoots and wounds fugitive who fired at him outside an apartment.
一名21岁的有家庭暴力史的逃犯在试图进入其离家离家出走的女友的公寓时向他开枪,随后被纳什维尔的一名警官开枪打死。 A 21-year-old fugitive with a history of domestic violence was shot by a Nashville police officer after firing a gun at him during an attempt to enter his estranged girlfriend's apartment. 疑犯被确定为Knykholas Lane,两次被击中,正在Vanderbilt医院接受治疗。 The suspect, identified as Knykholas Lane, was hit twice and is being treated at Vanderbilt Hospital. 田纳西州调查局和纳什维尔大都会警察局正在调查这一事件。 The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and the Metro Nashville Police Department are investigating the incident.