科学家建造人工海狸大坝,以提升湿地,恢复海狸种群。 Scientists build artificial beaver dams to boost wetlands and restore beaver populations.
不列颠哥伦比亚省的研究人员正在到2025年建造100座人工海狸水坝,以鼓励海狸搬进并改良湿地。 Researchers in British Columbia are building 100 artificial beaver dams by 2025 to encourage beavers to move in and improve wetlands. 自去年以来,已安装了70多座水坝,目的是提高水位,促进植物生长,使当地生态系统受益。 Over 70 dams have been installed since last year, aiming to raise water levels and promote plant growth, benefiting local ecosystems. 该项目力求解决海狸人口因捕猎和生境丧失而减少的问题,可能通过提高地下水水平和减少抽水需求来帮助农民。 The project seeks to address the decline in beaver populations due to trapping and habitat loss, potentially aiding farmers by raising groundwater levels and reducing water pumping needs.