苏格兰寻求将海狸重新引入Glen Affric,以促进生物多样性和减少洪水。 Scotland seeks to reintroduce beavers to Glen Affric to boost biodiversity and reduce floods.
苏格兰林业和土地公司在与当地社区进行了为期两年的协商之后,向NatureScot申请将海狸重新引入苏格兰的Glen Afric。 Forestry and Land Scotland has applied to NatureScot to reintroduce beavers to Glen Affric in Scotland, following a two-year consultation with local communities. 苏格兰大约400年前海狸被驱赶灭绝,但于2016年重新出现,并于2019年被确认为受保护物种。 Beavers were driven to extinction in Scotland around 400 years ago, but were reintroduced in 2016 and recognized as a protected species in 2019. 如果获得批准,海狸将于2025年春季释放。 If approved, the beavers would be released in spring 2025. 此举旨在促进生物多样性、吸收二氧化碳和减少洪水。 The move aims to boost biodiversity, carbon dioxide absorption, and flood reduction. 将设立一个监测和减轻影响小组,以解决社区关切的问题。 A monitoring and mitigation group will be established to address community concerns.