俄罗斯的SVR指控美国和英国计划对俄罗斯在叙利亚的基地发动伊斯兰国袭击,以破坏该地区的稳定。 Russia's SVR accuses the US and UK of planning ISIS attacks on Russian bases in Syria to destabilize the region.
俄罗斯的外国情报部门SVR声称,美国和英国正在利用ISIS好战分子策划对俄罗斯在叙利亚的军事基地发动恐怖袭击。 Russia's foreign intelligence service, SVR, alleges that the US and UK are plotting terrorist attacks on Russian military bases in Syria using ISIS militants. SVR声称,这些攻击旨在迫使俄罗斯撤离其基地,维持该地区的不稳定,以确保西方的支配地位。 The SVR claims these attacks are meant to force Russia to evacuate its bases, maintaining instability in the region to ensure Western dominance. 没有提供具体证据支持这些指控。 No concrete evidence has been provided to support these allegations.