俄罗斯SVR指责美国干预其总统选举。 Russia's SVR accuses the US of meddling in its presidential election.
俄罗斯 SVR 外国情报局指责美国试图干预俄罗斯总统选举,并计划对在线投票系统进行网络攻击。 Russia's SVR Foreign Intelligence Service accuses the US of attempting to interfere in Russia's presidential election, alleging plans for cyberattacks on the online voting system. SVR 在没有提供证据的情况下声称,拜登政府已责成美国非政府组织降低选民投票率。 Without providing evidence, the SVR claims that the Biden administration has tasked American NGOs to decrease voter turnout. 预计将赢得选举的俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京警告说,任何外国干涉都将被视为侵略行为。 Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is expected to win the election, has warned that any foreign interference would be considered an act of aggression.