斯科普里的抗议者要求采取行动, 解决欧洲最严重的空气污染问题, Protesters in Skopje demand action on Europe's worst air pollution, linked to early deaths.
约一千人在北马其顿首都斯科普里抗议严重空气污染, 这是欧洲最严重的空气污染之一。 Around a thousand people protested in Skopje, North Macedonia's capital, against severe air pollution, which ranks among Europe's worst. 这是一个月来第二次抗议, 要求增加工业检查、改善公共交通、促进骑自行车、以及废物管理。 This was the second protest in a month, demanding increased industrial inspections, better public transport, cycling promotion, and waste management. 巴尔干地区空气污染造成19个城市20%的过早死亡,预期寿命缩短了1.3岁。 Air pollution in the Balkans contributes to 20% of premature deaths in 19 cities, reducing life expectancy by up to 1.3 years.