约克郡Baiddon的邻里观察将当地犯罪减少了三分之一,涉及近4 000名成员。 Neighbourhood Watch in Baildon, Yorkshire, cut local crime by a third, involving nearly 4,000 members.
西约克郡Baiddon的邻里警戒计划自六年前增长以来将当地犯罪减少了三分之一。 The Neighbourhood Watch scheme in Baildon, West Yorkshire, has reduced local crime by a third since growing six years ago. 现在约克郡最大的计划之一, 该计划涉及近4 000名经过审查的成员,他们充当了社区的眼睛和耳朵。 Now one of Yorkshire's largest, the scheme involves nearly 4,000 vetted members who act as a community eyes and ears. 在社会媒体的支持下,该倡议加强了地方与警察的联系和合作,加强了对居民的安全和支持。 Supported by social media, the initiative has strengthened local ties and cooperation with police, enhancing safety and support for residents.