西麦西亚警察和犯罪专员就新的 4 年警察和犯罪计划启动公众咨询。 Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia launches public consultation on a new 4-year police and crime plan.
西梅西亚警察和犯罪专员John Campion发起了关于今后四年新的警察和犯罪计划的公开协商。 John Campion, the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia, has launched a public consultation on a new police and crime plan for the next four years. 该计划将减少犯罪、社区治安、支助受害者和证人以及最大限度地利用资源作为优先事项。 The plan prioritizes reducing crime, community policing, supporting victims and witnesses, and maximizing resources. Herefordshire、Worcestershire和Shropshire的居民可以通过持续到10月8日的在线咨询提供反馈。 Residents in Herefordshire, Worcestershire, and Shropshire can provide feedback through an online consultation running until October 8. 详情见PCC网站。 More details are available at the PCC's website.