Jessie Clayton Settle因向Weirton一家酒吧开枪而被捕,面临两项重罪指控。 Jessie Clayton Settle was arrested for firing shots at a bar in Weirton, facing two felony counts.
Jessie Clayton Settle,29岁,来自Weirton,据称于12月20日在22号路体育酒吧向木棍开了两枪后被捕。 Jessie Clayton Settle, a 29-year-old from Weirton, was arrested after allegedly firing two shots into a wooden bar at Route 22 Sports Bar on December 20. 监控录像记录了这一事件,导致Settle面临两起涉及火器的肆意危害重罪指控。 Surveillance footage captured the incident, which resulted in Settle facing two felony counts of wanton endangerment involving a firearm. 没有人受伤,Settle在警察到达前离开。 No one was injured, and Settle left before police arrived. 在Hancock县被传讯后,他以4 000美元的保证金被释放,案件在Brooke县将继续审理。 After being arraigned in Hancock County, he was released on a $4,000 bond, with the case set to continue in Brooke County.