得克萨斯州男子因在家里开枪而被捕,毁坏汽车;面临多重重罪指控。 Texas man arrested for firing rifle in home, damaging cars; faces multiple felony charges.
一名41岁的男子,名叫Zeferino Arreola Lopez,来自得克萨斯州Kerr县,据称在家中用猎枪射击,损坏两辆车后被捕。 A 41-year-old man named Zeferino Arreola Lopez from Kerr County, Texas, was arrested after allegedly firing a hunting rifle inside a home and damaging two vehicles. 当局认为酒精是一个因素。 Authorities believe alcohol was a factor. Lopez供认了这些事件,并面临三起致命行为重罪指控、一起犯罪恶作剧重罪指控和一起犯罪恶作剧轻罪指控。 Lopez confessed to the incidents and is facing three felony counts of deadly conduct, one felony count of criminal mischief, and one misdemeanor count of criminal mischief. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported.