15名因强奸或性虐待Gisèle Pelicot而被定罪的男子将接受第二次审判。 Fifteen men convicted of raping or sexually abusing Gisèle Pelicot will receive a second trial.
在因强奸或性虐待Gisèle Pelicot而被定罪的51名男子中,15人正在对其定罪提出上诉,并将接受第二次审判。 Fifteen of the 51 men convicted for raping or sexually abusing Gisèle Pelicot are appealing their convictions and will receive a second trial. 最初的审判导致其丈夫Dominique被判处3至20年监禁,包括20年徒刑。 The original trial resulted in prison terms from three to 20 years, including a 20-year sentence for her husband, Dominique. 在尼姆斯的新审判将使用普通陪审团,而不是阿维尼翁一审的专业法官。 The new trial, in Nîmes, will use an ordinary jury instead of professional judges from the first trial in Avignon.