法兰西人多米尼克·佩利科特承认大规模强奸他的妻子,并表示悔恨。 Frenchman Dominique Pelicot admitted to mass rape of his wife and expressed remorse.
被控大规模强奸妻子的法国人Dominique Pelicot已承认对他的指控。 Dominique Pelicot, a Frenchman accused of the mass rape of his wife, has admitted to the charges against him. 在最近的一份媒体报告中,他表示悔恨,并为自己的行为寻求宽恕。 In a recent media report, he expressed remorse and sought forgiveness for his actions. 该案引起了人们的极大关注,突出了家庭暴力和问责问题。 The case has drawn significant attention, highlighting issues of domestic violence and accountability.