Gisèle Pelicot,72岁,面临法庭指控她前夫和其他50名男子强奸,成为勇气的象征。 Gisèle Pelicot, 72, faces court to accuse her ex-husband and 50 other men of rape, becoming a symbol of courage.
Gisèle Pelicot,72岁,正在争取对她前夫和其他50名被指控强奸她的男子伸张正义。 Gisèle Pelicot, 72, is fighting for justice against her ex-husband and 50 other men accused of raping her. Pelicot在她的律师指导下, 在她前夫的电脑上观看了20,000个清晰的视频和照片, Initially shocked and ashamed, Pelicot, guided by her lawyer, watched 20,000 explicit videos and photos found on her ex-husband's computer, crucial for the case. 她在法庭上摘下太阳眼镜,象征着她的力量和违抗。 She has removed her sunglasses in court, symbolizing her strength and defiance. 审判预计将于12月20日结束, 将她变成全球勇气的象征。 The trial, expected to conclude by December 20, has transformed her into a global icon of courage.