司机在哈里斯郡不寻常的交通站 带着皮龙、枪和毒品被捕 Driver arrested with pythons, gun, and drugs during unusual traffic stop in Harris County.
在哈里斯县西北高速公路停留期间,一名持有公开重罪逮捕令的司机在副手在车上发现三只皮龙、一把装有子弹的枪和非法麻醉品之后被捕。 During a traffic stop on the Northwest Freeway in Harris County, a driver with an open felony warrant was arrested after deputies found three pythons, a loaded gun, and illegal narcotics in the vehicle. 动物管制局扣留了蛇,嫌疑人被指控携带非法武器和持有毒品。 Animal control took custody of the snakes, and the suspect faces charges for unlawful weapon carrying and drug possession. 这起事件被警察办公室描述为“绝对不是你典型的交通站。” The incident was described by the constable's office as "definitely not your typical traffic stop."