Tulsa司机在与Python追逐后被捕,发现他携带芬太尼、现金和大麻;面临贩运,逃避指控。 Tulsa driver arrested after chase with python, found with fentanyl, cash, and marijuana; faces trafficking, eluding charges.
Evan Jamon Woodard在短暂追逐之后被Tulsa警察逮捕,在追逐中他抓住了一只皮龙。 Evan Jamon Woodard was arrested by Tulsa Police after a brief chase during which he held a python. 最初,他因没有车头灯的驾驶被拦下,拒绝提供身份证明,并试图逃跑。 Initially stopped for driving without headlights, he refused to provide identification and attempted to flee. 警员在他的车里发现了92克芬太尼 大麻和近5000美元现金 Officers found 92 grams of fentanyl, marijuana, and nearly $5,000 in cash in his vehicle. 他面临多重指控,包括贩毒和逃避重罪。 He faces multiple charges, including drug trafficking and felony eluding. Python没有受伤 并交给了朋友 The python was unharmed and given to a friend.