Biden的新网络安全规则旨在在医疗网络攻击剧增时保护患者数据。 Biden's new cybersecurity rules aim to protect patient data amid a surge in healthcare cyberattacks.
拜登行政当局正在提出新的网络安全规则,以加强保健组织对病人数据的保护。 The Biden administration is proposing new cybersecurity rules to strengthen protections for patient data in healthcare organizations. 对HIPAA标准的这些更新将需要数据加密、例行合规检查,第一年估计需要90亿美元,今后四年每年需要60亿美元。 These updates to HIPAA standards would require encryption of data, routine compliance checks, and cost an estimated $9 billion in the first year and $6 billion annually for the next four years. 这项提案是在对保健公司的网络攻击激增之后提出的,自2019年以来,黑客事件增加了89%,赎金软件袭击增加了102%。 The proposal follows a surge in cyberattacks on healthcare firms, with hacking incidents increasing by 89% and ransomware attacks by 102% since 2019.