BCCA拯救了59只狗和14只鸟类,使他们从Quesnel育种设施的恶劣条件中解救出来。 BC SPCA rescues 59 dogs and 14 birds from poor conditions in a Quesnel breeding facility.
不列颠哥伦比亚省BCSPCA在不列颠哥伦比亚省Quesnel的一个育种者接到关于动物生活条件恶劣的报告后,拯救了59只狗,包括18只Cane Corso小狗和14只鸟类。 The BC SPCA rescued 59 dogs, including 18 Cane Corso puppies, and 14 birds from a breeder in Quesnel, British Columbia, after reports of animals living in poor conditions. 这些动物被发现在不卫生的环境中,有强烈的氨气味、垃圾和危险的物品。 The animals were found in unsanitary environments with a strong ammonia smell, garbage, and dangerous objects. 许多狗体重不足,受感染,一些小狗尾巴上有鞭笞带,造成严重痛苦。 Many dogs were underweight and suffering from infections, and some puppies had castration bands on their tails, causing severe pain. BCSPCA正在调查并计划建议对该育种者提出指控。 The BC SPCA is investigating and plans to recommend charges against the breeder. 获救的动物正在接受医疗护理,尚不能被领养。 The rescued animals are receiving medical care and are not yet available for adoption.