英国零售巨头WHSmith、Homebase、Monki和Central Co-op在金融斗争中关闭了许多商店。 UK retail giants WHSmith, Homebase, Monki, and Central Co-op close numerous stores amid financial struggles.
2025年,由于成本上升和消费支出减少,联合王国面临广泛的高封闭街道现象。 In 2025, the UK faces widespread high street closures due to rising costs and decreased consumer spending. WHSmith、Homebase、Monki和Central Co-op等零售商正在关闭许多商店。 Retailers like WHSmith, Homebase, Monki, and Central Co-op are shutting down numerous stores. 例如,WHSmith计划关闭其在伯恩茅斯的Winton分行,而Homebase将关闭在Derry/Londderry、Inverurie、Omagh和Fife的商店。 For instance, WHSmith plans to close its Winton branch in Bournemouth, while Homebase will shut stores in Derry/Londonderry, Inverurie, Omagh, and Fife. Central Co-op 将关闭 19 家门店,Monki 将关闭所有 7 家英国门店。 Central Co-op is closing 19 stores, and Monki will close all seven UK outlets. 尽管有这些关闭措施,但WHSmith公司打算在旅行中心和玩具R Us特许区开设新商店。 Despite these closures, WHSmith aims to open new stores in travel hubs and Toys R Us concessions.