在公园森林之家发现两名妇女被致命枪击身亡;两名儿童没有受伤。 Two women were found fatally shot in a Park Forest home; two children were unharmed.
在伊利诺伊州一座公园森林的家中发现两名30岁和51岁的妇女被致命枪击身亡,其中一人在现场死亡,另一人后来在医院死亡。 Two women, ages 30 and 51, were found fatally shot in a Park Forest, Illinois home, with one dying at the scene and the other later at a hospital. 家中两名儿童没有受伤,但作为预防措施被送往医院。 Two children in the home were unharmed but taken to hospitals as a precaution. 警方认为受害人认识疑犯, 事件被作为孤立案件处理。 Police believe the victims knew the suspect, and the incident is being treated as an isolated case. 南郊区重大罪行工作队和伊利诺伊州警察局正在协助当地调查。 The South Suburban Major Crimes Task Force and Illinois State Police are aiding the local investigation. 当局敦促任何有信息的人与公园森林警察局联系。 Authorities urge anyone with information to contact the Park Forest Police Department.