在伊利诺斯州杰克逊维尔发生了两起可疑死亡事件,引发了多机构调查。 Two suspicious deaths occurred in Jacksonville, Illinois, prompting a multi-agency investigation.
星期三早上,发现两个人死在伊利诺伊州杰克逊维尔S. East Street的单独住宅里。 On Wednesday morning, two people were found dead in separate homes in Jacksonville, Illinois, on S. East Street. 警方最初对一名伤势严重、在现场被宣布死亡的无反应者作出了反应。 Police initially responded to one unresponsive individual with serious injuries, who was pronounced dead at the scene. 后来在附近发现了第二个已死亡的人。 A second deceased person was later found nearby. 死亡被视为可疑,调查涉及多个机构,对社区没有积极的威胁。 The deaths are being treated as suspicious, and the investigation involves multiple agencies, with no active threat to the community. 在家庭通知之前,死者的身份不公开。 The identities of the deceased are withheld pending family notification.