33岁男子因杀害安大略省科尔蒂斯两名妇女而被捕; 孩子没有受伤. 33-year-old man arrested for homicide of two women in Courtice, Ontario home; child unharmed.
两名妇女在安大略省的Courtice家中被发现死亡, Two women were found dead in a Courtice, Ontario home, showing signs of trauma. 一名在现场被捕的33岁男子据信认识受害者。 A 33-year-old man, who was arrested at the scene, is believed to know the victims. 家中有一个小孩没有受伤。 A small child present in the home was unharmed. 杜勒姆地区警察已开始对杀人案进行调查,并设立了一个情报指挥所。 The Durham Regional Police have initiated a homicide investigation and established a command post for information. 当局认为这一事件是孤立的,对公共安全没有威胁。 Authorities consider the incident isolated, posing no threat to public safety.