三名男子在芝加哥一家便利店打架后被捕,一名旁观者受伤。 Three men were arrested after a fight in a Chicago convenience store left a bystander injured.
星期四晚上在芝加哥一家便利商店发生争执后,三名男子被捕。 Three men were arrested after an altercation in a Chicago convenience store on Thursday night. 这场战斗在欧文公园附近爆发,涉及一名商店办事员,导致一名39岁的旁观者脸部被物体击中。 The fight, which broke out in the Irving Park neighborhood, involved a store clerk and resulted in a 39-year-old bystander being struck in the face with an object. 受害人被带往伊利诺伊州梅森医疗中心,身体状况良好,而仓库办事员没有寻求医疗帮助。 The victim was taken to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center in good condition, while the store clerk did not seek medical help. 警方逮捕了嫌疑人,他们的指控正在等待审理。 Police apprehended the suspects, and their charges are pending.