奥克兰的一个商场停车场争斗造成一名大砍刀严重受伤;三名男子被捕。 A mall parking lot fight in Auckland left one seriously injured by machete; three men arrested.
奥克兰圣卢卡斯购物停车场发生战斗,导致一人被大砍刀严重打伤。 A fight at St Lukes Mall car park in Auckland led to one person being seriously injured by a machete. 警察逮捕了三名男子;一名29岁的男子被控非法持有火器、故意伤害和公开战斗。 Police arrested three men; a 29-year-old is charged with unlawful possession of firearms, wounding with intent, and public fighting. 另外两人(22岁和32岁)被控犯有公共战斗罪。 Two others, aged 22 and 32, are charged with public fighting. 在无证搜查中缴获了3件非法火器。 Three illegal firearms were seized during a warrantless search. 随着调查的继续,还可增加其他指控。 Further charges may be added as the investigation continues.