Portrush的警察在星期天清晨在酒吧外打斗后,有两名受伤男子寻找证人。 Police in Portrush seek witnesses after a fight outside a bar injured two men early Sunday.
Portrush的警察在星期天早上在酒吧外打斗后,正在寻找证人和资料,两名男子在20多岁时受伤,一名头部被割伤,另一名手肘受伤。 Police in Portrush are seeking witnesses and information after a fight outside a bar on Sunday morning injured two men in their 20s, one with a cut to the head and the other with an elbow injury. 凌晨1点05分左右在港湾路发生争吵,疑犯穿着白色T恤,逃离现场。 The altercation occurred around 1:05 am on Harbor Road, and the suspect, wearing a white t-shirt, fled the scene. 警方正在敦促任何有信息或录像的人与他们联系。 Police are urging anyone with information or footage to contact them.