嫌犯将车辆撞入奥克兰的一家幸运杂货店,打中自动取款机,并逃离,这是此前一次盗窃事件。 Suspects rammed vehicles into a Lucky grocery store in Oakland, hit the ATM, and fled, in a repeat of a previous theft.
周四清晨,多人将车辆撞入奥克兰蒙特克莱尔附近的一家 Lucky 杂货店,从 ATM 机上偷窃并逃跑。 Multiple individuals rammed vehicles into a Lucky grocery store in Oakland's Montclair neighborhood early Thursday morning, stealing from the ATM and fleeing. 这是这家商店发生的第二起此类事件, 第一次涉及被盗香烟。 This is the second such incident at this store, with the first involving stolen cigarettes. Oakland警察局正在调查并要求公共援助,敦促有信息的人与他们联系,或将相关视频发送至cidvidos@oaklandca.gov。 The Oakland Police Department is investigating and has asked for public assistance, urging anyone with information to contact them or send relevant videos to cidvideos@oaklandca.gov.