四名嫌犯将一辆偷来的车辆撞入科罗拉多斯普林斯的瓦普店,这是最近50多起抢劫案的一部分。 Four suspects rammed a stolen vehicle into a vape shop in Colorado Springs, part of over 50 recent robberies.
周二凌晨,四名身穿深色衣服的嫌疑人使用一辆偷来的车辆冲进科罗拉多斯普林斯的 Extreme Vape 商店,偷走了数量不详的商品。 Four suspects in dark clothing used a stolen vehicle to ram into Extreme Vape Shop in Colorado Springs early Tuesday morning, stealing an unknown amount of merchandise. 这起事件是今年50多起类似的劫掠抢劫案之一, 大多针对瓦普商店、当铺和枪械商店。 This incident is one of over 50 similar smash-and-grab robberies this year, mostly targeting vape shops, pawn shops, and gun stores. 所使用车辆被确定为被盗车辆,但在犯罪前未报告失踪。 The vehicle used was identified as stolen but had not been reported missing prior to the crime. 迄今尚未逮捕任何人员。 No arrests have been made yet.