疑犯Anthony Hurtado 34岁 在萨克拉门托与副手劫车和枪击后被捕 Suspect Anthony Hurtado, 34, arrested after carjacking and shootout with deputies in Sacramento.
一名34岁的旧金山劫车嫌疑人Anthony Hurtado在萨克拉门托县被捕,因为他在追逐时向追逐的副手开枪。 A 34-year-old San Francisco carjacking suspect, Anthony Hurtado, was arrested in Sacramento County after a chase where he fired shots at pursuing deputies. 无人受伤。 No one was injured. Hurtado面临多重重罪指控,包括谋杀未遂,目前在萨克拉门托县监狱等待法院审判。 Hurtado faces multiple felony charges, including attempted murder, and is in Sacramento County Jail awaiting court. 旧金山警察局还将追究与劫车有关的控罪。 The San Francisco Police Department will also pursue charges related to the carjacking.