40岁的Anthony Mehlhaff 在中加利福尼亚州被捕 罪名是偷窃、骚扰和车祸 40-year-old Anthony Mehlhaff arrested in Central California after crime spree involving theft, harassment, and car crash.
40岁的Anthony Mehlhaff在中加利福尼亚州被捕,罪名是骚扰一名怀孕雇员、偷自行车、威胁商店经理和撞车。 40-yr-old Anthony Mehlhaff was arrested in Central California after a crime spree involving harassing a pregnant employee, stealing a bike, threatening a store manager, and crashing a stolen car. 事件发生在马里波萨州和马德拉州。 The incidents occurred in Mariposa and Madera counties. Mehlaff据称在被捕期间殴打了一名副手,被押入Mariposa县监狱,保释金为10万美元。 Mehlhaff, who allegedly assaulted a deputy during his arrest, was booked into the Mariposa County Jail with a $100,000 bail.