调查显示,安全职业吸引了不同背景,其中许多从商店底层角色开始,或从安全等级开始。 Survey shows safety careers attract diverse backgrounds, with many starting from shop floor roles or pursuing safety degrees.
今天由EHS进行的一项调查揭示了进入安全职业的多种途径,其中34%从商店楼层角色开始,22%在安全条件下学习学位。 A survey by EHS Today reveals diverse paths into safety careers, with 34% starting from shop floor roles and 22% pursuing degrees in safety. 在近400名安全专业人员中,70%的人持有学士学位或以上学位,84%的人认为正规教育有益。 Among nearly 400 safety professionals, 70% hold a bachelor's degree or higher, and 84% find formal education beneficial. 尽管如此,只有44%的人拥有先进的安全证书。 Despite this, only 44% have advanced safety certifications. 文章强调Michael Holland的旅程, 开始担任督导, 成为注册安全专业人员, 强调安全职业可以从不同背景入手, 充满热情和学习意愿。 The article highlights Michael Holland's journey, starting as a superintendent and becoming a Certified Safety Professional, emphasizing that safety careers can be entered from various backgrounds with passion and willingness to learn.