2024年,爱尔兰与工作有关的死亡人数有史以来最低,从23%降至33人,其中车辆事故是主要原因。 In 2024, Ireland saw its lowest work-related deaths ever, down 23% to 33, with vehicle incidents leading causes.
2024年,爱尔兰报告了最低的与工作有关的死亡率,有33人死亡,比2023年下降了23%。 In 2024, Ireland reported its lowest-ever rate of work-related deaths, with 33 fatalities, marking a 23% decrease from 2023. 卫生和安全管理局(HSA)将这一下降归因于农业和建筑业安全措施的改善。 The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) attributes this decline to improved safety measures in the agriculture and construction sectors. 然而,车辆事故仍然是造成工作场所死亡的主要原因,男性和工人超过55人死亡最多。 However, vehicle incidents remained the leading cause of workplace fatalities, with males and workers over 55 accounting for most deaths. HSA强调,与工作有关的每一起死亡都是可以预防的,并敦促雇主继续改善安全。 The HSA emphasizes that every work-related death is preventable and urges employers to continue safety improvements.