调查显示,印度大多数Gen Z和千百年来的宠物所有者都认为他们的宠物是生命的最优先事项。 Survey reveals most Gen Z and millennial pet owners in India see their pets as life's top priority.
Mars Petcare对20,000个宠物所有者(包括印度的1,000个)进行的全球调查显示,印度超过三分之二的Gen Z和千年宠物所有者认为他们的宠物是他们生命中最重要的事物。 Mars Petcare's global survey of 20,000 pet owners, including 1,000 in India, shows that over two-thirds of Gen Z and millennial pet owners in India see their pets as the most important thing in their lives. 调查突出显示了宠物所有权的上升,全球56%的人认为自己是宠物父母,近一半的人是第一次拥有宠物。 The survey highlights a rise in pet ownership, with 56% of people globally identifying as pet parents, and nearly half being first-time owners. 在印度,64%的狗主人和60%的猫主人说他们的宠物有助于减少压力和焦虑。 In India, 64% of dog owners and 60% of cat owners said their pets help reduce stress and anxiety. 只有6%的小狗和4%的小猫从庇护所被收养,这表明需要提高对收养的认识。 Only 6% of puppies and 4% of kittens are adopted from shelters, indicating a need for more adoption awareness.