英国宠物所有者张贴更多有关其宠物的Instagram照片, UK pet owners post more Instagram photos of their pets than family, partners, or even themselves, study finds.
英国宠物所有者在Instagram上张贴更多的宠物照片, A study by Burns Pet Nutrition shows that UK pet owners post more photos of their pets on Instagram than selfies, partners, or family members. 英国人平均分享15张宠物照片、12张家庭照片、五张伴侣相片及五张自拍照片, On average, Brits shared 15 pet photos, 12 family photos, five partner images, and five selfies in their last 50 posts. 与男子13张照片相比,妇女分享了16张宠物照片。 Women shared 16 pet photos compared to men's 13. Gen X分享了最宠物的照片(17张),Z Gen Z分享了最少的照片(12张)。 Gen X shared the most pet photos (17), while Gen Z shared the fewest (12). 此外,27%的Zgen Z有专用宠物账户,20%的Gen Z承认他们的宠物有比他们更多的追随者。 Additionally, 27% of Gen Z have dedicated pet accounts, and 20% admit their pets have more followers than them.