Mars Petcare India 和 Swiggy Instamart 发起了 Paw Protecc 计划,在德里、孟买和班加罗尔建立了 150 个庇护所,以在季风季节保护社区宠物。 Mars Petcare India and Swiggy Instamart launched the Paw Protecc initiative, establishing 150 shelters in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore to protect community pets during the monsoon season.
印度Mars Petcare India和Swigging Instamart提出了Paw Protecc倡议,在季风季节保护社区宠物。 Mars Petcare India and Swiggy Instamart have introduced the Paw Protecc initiative to protect community pets during the monsoon season. 该方案在德里、孟买和班加罗尔建立了近150个庇护所,为街头流浪动物提供庇护和照料。 The program establishes nearly 150 shelters in Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore, providing refuge and care for street animals. 该倡议与非政府组织合作,确保庇护所备有食物和水,并包括开展社会媒体宣传活动,以提高认识。 Partnering with NGOs, the initiative ensures shelters are stocked with food and water, and includes a social media campaign to raise awareness. 这些公司承诺为宠物提供20 000份营养餐。 The companies have committed to providing 20,000 nutritious meals for the pets.