Scott Turner, 由Trump任命领导HUD, 有着一个历史, 批评者说, 可能恶化美国住房危机。 Scott Turner, appointed by Trump to lead HUD, has a history that critics say could worsen the U.S. housing crisis.
Scott Turner, 由特朗普总统任命, 领导HUD, 有政策史, 可能恶化美国住房危机。 Scott Turner, appointed by President Trump to lead HUD, has a history of policies that could worsen the U.S. housing crisis. 他的过去包括投票反对经济适用住房和租户保护, 他对“机会区”的支持主要使富裕地区受益。 His past includes voting against affordable housing and tenant protections, and his support for "opportunity zones" has primarily benefited wealthier areas. 批评者担心他的领导可能会破坏住房与住房部的任务,可能增加无家可归现象,并削减对可负担得起的住房的供资。 Critics fear his leadership may undermine HUD's mission, potentially increasing homelessness and cutting funding for affordable housing.