俄罗斯官方指责挪威船只未能援助一艘在地中海沉没的俄罗斯货船。 Russian official accuses Norwegian ship of failing to aid a sinking Russian cargo ship in the Mediterranean.
俄罗斯高级官员德米特里·梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedov)指控一艘挪威船(奥斯陆承运人3号)拒绝从一艘在地中海沉没的俄罗斯货船(Ursa Major)中救出水手。 Dmitry Medvedev, a high-ranking Russian official, accused a Norwegian ship, the Oslo Carrier 3, of refusing to rescue sailors from a sinking Russian cargo ship, the Ursa Major, in the Mediterranean Sea. 据报,Ursa少校在三次爆炸后沉没。 The Ursa Major sank after reportedly experiencing three explosions. 经营奥斯陆三号运输船的挪威公司否认这一指控,声称它们根据西班牙海事当局的指示行事,并提供了所需的援助。 The Norwegian company managing the Oslo Carrier 3 denied the accusation, stating they acted according to instructions from Spanish maritime authorities and provided assistance as needed.