据报道,乌克兰特种部队在波罗的海破坏俄罗斯扫雷车Alexander Obukhov,造成发动机损坏。 Ukrainian special forces reportedly sabotaged a Russian minesweeper, Alexander Obukhov, in the Baltic Sea, causing engine damage.
据报告,乌克兰特种部队在一次破坏行动中损坏了俄罗斯扫雷车Alexander Obukhov的地雷,严重损坏了发动机。 Ukrainian special forces reportedly damaged the Russian minesweeper Alexander Obukhov in a sabotage operation, causing severe engine damage. 这标志着今年乌克兰第二次袭击俄罗斯在波罗的海的海军资产。 This marks the second Ukrainian attack on Russian naval assets in the Baltic Sea this year. 与此同时,俄罗斯在敖德萨以民用船只为目标,造成一人死亡和多人受伤,在持续的敌对行动中,对海上安全和全球粮食供应中断的关切加剧。 Concurrently, Russia has targeted civilian ships in Odesa, resulting in one death and multiple injuries, escalating concerns over maritime security and global food supply disruptions amid ongoing hostilities.