希腊海脊的购物中心在十几岁之后就关闭了,造成混乱,导致疏散和逮捕。 Mall at Greece Ridge closed early after teens caused disruptions, leading to evacuations and arrests.
纽约希腊岭购物中心周四清晨关闭, 原因是一群青少年的干扰行为, 他们按计划聚集在社交媒体上。 The Mall at Greece Ridge in New York closed early on Thursday due to disruptive behavior from groups of teenagers who gathered as planned on social media. 警方在下午6时左右疏散了该商场,两名16岁儿童因行为不检而被捕。 Police evacuated the mall around 6 p.m., with two 16-year-olds arrested for disorderly conduct. 虽然外面发生战斗,但商场内没有发生任何事件的报告。 While fights occurred outside, no incidents were reported inside the mall. 包括地方警察和州警察在内的当局努力确保安全并管理局势。 Authorities, including local police and state police, worked to ensure safety and manage the situation.