200 名闹事的青少年点燃烟花并焚烧垃圾桶,导致加州一家购物中心关闭。 200 rowdy teens caused a California mall to shut down after igniting fireworks and setting a trash can on fire.
200 名闹事的青少年闯入加州一家购物中心,纵火焚烧垃圾桶并燃放非法烟花,导致购物中心关闭。 200 rowdy teens caused a California mall to shut down after they mobbed the building, setting fire to a trash can and igniting illegal fireworks. 洛杉矶县警察局对卡森市 SouthBay Pavilion 购物中心的事件做出了反应,发布了驱散命令,并拘留了 60 至 70 名拒绝服从命令的青少年。 The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department responded to the incident at SouthBay Pavilion Mall in Carson, issuing dispersal orders and detaining 60-70 teens who refused to comply. 此次骚乱并未造成人员伤亡,但由于骚乱,商场被迫关闭。 No injuries were reported, but the mall was forced to close due to the disturbance.