英国肾脏护理公司通过在线健康检查器发现超过110 000人有患肾病的高风险。 Kidney Care UK finds over 110,000 people at high risk of kidney disease through an online health checker.
英国肾脏护理发现,使用在线肾脏健康检查器的110 000多人患肾病的风险较高,49.7%的人患肾脏疾病的风险较高。 Kidney Care UK has identified that over 110,000 people who used their online kidney health checker are at a higher risk of kidney disease, with 49.7% at high risk. 慈善组织警告说,当他们的肾脏已经受损时,许多人会被诊断出来,并敦促尽早进行检测和与医生咨询。 The charity warns that many are diagnosed when their kidneys are already damaged and urges early testing and consultation with GPs. 早期发现可有助于缓慢的疾病发展,防止肾衰竭。 Early detection can help slow disease progression and prevent advanced kidney failure. 在线工具可从肾脏护理uk.org/kidney-health- checker/获得。 The online tool is available at kidneycareuk.org/kidney-health-checker/.