Andhra Pradesh计划改革以振兴房地产, Andhra Pradesh plans reforms to revive real estate, including easier building rules and investments in Amaravati.
安得拉邦政府的目标是通过改革,包括简化建筑许可、单一窗口清扫制度和自由沙地政策,促进挣扎中的房地产部门的发展。 Andhra Pradesh's government aims to boost the struggling real estate sector with reforms including simplified building permissions, a single-window clearance system, and a free sand policy. 国家计划在阿马拉瓦提进行大量投资,包括修建一条新的环状公路和恢复建筑工程。 The state plans significant investments in Amaravati, including a new ring road and resumption of construction work. 首席部长N. Chandrababu Naidu誓言在工业和旅游业等相关部门创造就业机会,刺激增长。 Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu vows to create jobs and stimulate growth in related sectors like industry and tourism.