火灾摧毁了Vittoria被弃置的房屋,这是正在调查的一系列可疑火灾的一部分。 Fire destroys abandoned home in Vittoria, part of series of suspicious blazes under investigation.
Norfolk县Vittoria的一个废弃房屋于星期五清晨在可疑的火灾中被毁。 An abandoned home in Vittoria, Norfolk County, was destroyed in a suspicious fire early Friday morning. 来自五个站点的消防员对圣约翰路西边的火灾作出反应,在寒冷的温度下工作了几个小时。 Firefighters from five stations responded to the blaze on St. John's Road West, working for hours in cold temperatures. 火灾造成约350 000美元损坏,但没有人员受伤。 The fire caused about $350,000 in damage but no injuries. 这是最近该地区几起可疑火灾之一 安大略消防局正在调查 It's one of several recent suspicious fires in the area, and the Office of the Ontario Fire Marshal is investigating.