8名潜水员未能在帕劳的一个地点重新露面后失踪;救援工作正在进行中。 Eight divers are missing after failing to resurface at a site in Palau; rescue efforts are ongoing.
8名潜水员,包括游客和导游在内,因未能在帕劳的潜水场重新露面而失踪。 Eight divers, including tourists and a guide, are missing after failing to resurface at a dive site in Palau. 正在与州护林员和搜救船一道开展救援工作。 Rescue efforts are underway with state rangers and search and rescue vessels. 在汤加,新总理将宣布其内阁,由贵族担任关键职务。 In Tonga, the new Prime Minister will announce his Cabinet, with key roles expected for nobles. 新西兰医疗队正在帮助瓦努阿图地震幸存者。 A New Zealand medical team is aiding Vanuatu earthquake survivors. 在新喀里多尼亚,将孩子锁在公寓里长达24小时的母亲被判缓刑和社区服务。 In New Caledonia, a mother who left her child locked in an apartment for 24 hours was given a suspended sentence and community service. 斐济总理表示军方会处理涉及海军巡逻艇的事件。 Fiji's PM said the military will address incidents involving navy patrol boats.