" Chido " 气旋摧毁马约特岛,造成环境危机,可能需要十年时间才能恢复。 Cyclone Chido devastates Mayotte, causing an environmental crisis that could take a decade to recover.
Chido气旋摧毁了印度洋领土的马约特岛,造成可能持续十年的环境和生物多样性危机。 Cyclone Chido has devastated Mayotte, an Indian Ocean territory, causing an environmental and biodiversity crisis that could last a decade. 气旋摧毁了该岛的大部分植被,使土壤易受侵蚀,并可能损害珊瑚礁及其生态系统。 The cyclone destroyed much of the island's vegetation, leaving soil vulnerable to erosion and potentially harming the coral reef and its ecosystem. 树木的流失也暴露了贫民窟和影响野生生物。 The loss of trees has also exposed slums and impacted wildlife. 科学家警告说, 恢复森林可能需要10年的时间 如果土地不被改种为农田。 Scientists warn that restoring the forest could take 10 years if the land isn't converted to farmland.