阿布扎比于2025年推出商用摩托车黄色牌照,以加强安全和监管。 Abu Dhabi introduces yellow plates for commercial motorcycles in 2025 to enhance safety and regulation.
阿布扎比将推出2025年1月开始的商业摩托车的黄色车牌, Abu Dhabi will introduce yellow license plates for commercial motorcycles starting January 2025, distinguishing them from personal motorcycles, which will retain red plates. 这一行动旨在改善道路安全、交通流量和数据库管理,支持该城市实现可持续发展和经济增长的目标。 This move aims to improve road safety, traffic flow, and database management, supporting the city's goals of sustainable development and economic growth. 新牌照将有助于管制商业活动,确保遵守各项标准。 The new plates will help regulate commercial activities and ensure compliance with standards.