德里规定在所有车辆上贴上色标标签,以说明燃料类型和遏制污染。 Delhi mandates color-coded stickers on all vehicles to indicate fuel type and curb pollution.
德里运输部现在要求国家首都直辖区的所有车辆显示色标标签,表明其燃料类型。 The Delhi Transport Department now requires all vehicles in the National Capital Territory to display color-coded stickers indicating their fuel type. 这项规则与最高法院的一项命令一致,适用于新车辆和原已存在的车辆,目的是防止污染。 This rule, aligned with a Supreme Court order, applies to both new and pre-existing vehicles and aims to combat pollution. 贴有全息图和车辆细节的贴纸必须贴在挡风玻璃上;不遵守者将受到处罚。 Stickers, featuring holograms and vehicle details, must be placed on windshields; non-compliance will result in penalties. 安装可通过印度汽车制造商协会或运输部门户网站在网上预订。 Installation can be booked online through the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers or the Transport Department's portal.