Wood县法院的案件包括纵火、驾车违规和毒品指控,有些被解职和罚款。 Wood County court cases included arson, driving offenses, and drug charges, with some dismissals and fines issued.
在Wood县治安法院,在12月20-22日期间处理了若干案件,包括纵火、驾驶吊销执照、盗用身份和毒品犯罪等指控。 In Wood County Magistrate Court, several cases were handled between December 20-22, including charges of arson, driving on a suspended license, identity theft, and drug offenses. 尤其值得注意的是,对Candy Rochelle Bentr的纵火指控被驳回,而Chase Alexander Ahart和Nathan Andrew Hand则因驾驶违规而面临罚款。 Notably, arson charges against Candy Rochelle Bentr were dismissed, while Chase Alexander Ahart and Nathan Andrew Hand faced fines for driving offenses. 不同的人要么被保释,要么在法庭继续出庭之前被无保证地扣留。 Various individuals were either released on bond or held without bond pending further court appearances.