多个州报告了针对居民的法律行动,包括财务、刑事和驾驶相关指控。 Multiple counties report legal actions against residents, including financial, criminal, and driving-related charges.
Nationaltar Mortgage和Jefferson Capital Systems正在对哥伦比亚州的财产所有者采取金融行动。 Nationstar Mortgage and Jefferson Capital Systems are pursuing financial actions against property owners in Columbiana County. 同时,各种刑事案件包括一名男子因殴打而参加干预计划,另一名男子因醉酒驾车而受社区控制。 Meanwhile, various criminal cases include a man on an intervention plan for assault and another under community control for drunk driving. 在Wood县,若干个人面临从纵火到毒品犯罪等各种指控,有些案件被驳回或移交高等法院。 In Wood County, several individuals faced charges ranging from arson to drug offenses, with some cases dismissed or transferred to higher courts. 在明尼苏达州费尔蒙特,多人被判犯有与驾驶有关的罪行和其他指控。 In Fairmont, Minnesota, multiple individuals were convicted of driving-related offenses and other charges.