地方机构报告,因暴力、酒醉和毒品指控、911次停电和各州多起事件而逮捕人。 Local agencies report arrests for violence, DUI, and drug charges; 911 outages and multiple incidents across counties.
当地执法机构在本周报告了几起逮捕和事件,包括一名男子被控在默里县实施家庭暴力和跟踪,一名妇女被控酒后驾车,惠特菲尔德县的驾驶执照被吊销,一名男子被控在隧道山犯有毒品罪。 Local law enforcement agencies reported several arrests and incidents this week, including a man charged with family violence and stalking in Murray County, a woman charged with DUI and driving with a suspended license in Whitfield County, and a man with drug charges in Tunnel Hill. 富兰克林郡治安官办公室对多起汽车鹿事故和烟火投诉作出了回应。 The Franklin County Sheriff's Office responded to multiple car-deer accidents and fireworks complaints. 在牛顿县,911服务因电话电缆被盗而中断。 In Newton County, 911 service was disrupted due to a phone cable theft. 该地区还正在筹备一系列节日活动和社区会议,并计划在今后几周举行各种集会。 The area is also preparing for a series of holiday events and community meetings, with various gatherings scheduled for the coming weeks.