联合国报告呼吁到2050年将4.1万亿美元用于拯救自然,使人们担心生态系统会变成商品。 The UN report calls for $4.1 trillion by 2050 to save nature, raising concerns over turning ecosystems into commodities.
联合国的《自然财政状况报告》指出,到2050年还需要4.1万亿美元,以实现气候和生物多样性目标。 The UN's State of Finance for Nature report states that an additional $4.1 trillion is needed by 2050 to meet climate and biodiversity goals. 私人投资,即绿色融资,被视为解决这一资金缺口的办法。 Private investments, or green finance, are seen as a solution to this funding gap. 然而,通过碳信用等基于市场的解决办法将自然变成商品,有可能改变我们与自然的关系,并可能加剧不平等。 However, turning nature into a commodity through market-based solutions like carbon credits risks altering our relationship with nature and could increase inequality. 虽然重点是商业风险,但对当地社区的伦理和文化影响也是一个令人关切的问题。 While the focus is on commercial risks, ethical and cultural impacts on local communities are also a concern.